After falling in love with the cool, upbeat music of L Devine, I had to take the opportunity to design merch and get her name out.


Drawing inspiration from her songs, I designed both a typographic and a visual representation of L Devine’s sound. The custom type was designed to capture her delicate sound while acknowledging the serious undertones that reflect some of the struggles she writes about. Using the lyrics of her song “Read Your Mind,”  I felt an elegant, feminine look integrating those lines was key to the design.

The typographic design can be used on its own or supplementing the playful, abstract image drawn from her art and video for her song “Peer Pressure.” As a new artist growing her following, it is important for her to establish not only her name, but her image. I aimed to capture the bubbly, head-in-the-clouds sound she produces, and kept the design rounded and flowing while remaining a unique artistic representation of her music.


Born This Way - EP